Holistic Reality Learning


Survive The Changes And Poisons

Learning Module

by Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

Report 7

Public Poisons

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Common public poisons    ~    Learn more    ~    Resources


What Are Public Poisons?

Would you like to know how and why we are routinely receiving multiple poisons in small doses on purpose?

For more than a century, the population has been subjected to a growing variety and increasing amounts of mass public poisons. Some of these are harmfully effecting you and your loved ones continuously.

Due to the influence and control of a powerful cabal made up of leaders of secretive organizations, think tanks and interlocking corporations, toxic chemical and biological agents are used in agriculture, food processing, water treatment, pharmaceutical medicines and many commonly used products, that are highly toxic and severely harmful to health and life.

This is not a "conspiracy theory", it is in fact a real conspiracy of the highest and most sinister order. Powerful wealthy elitists want the rest of the population to be less intelligent, less fertile, more distracted and eliminated early, by the time their usefulness to the controlled system has subsided.

Truth is unrecognizable for those living in the usual false reality. Much of what we learned growing up as well as what is presented as NEWS is untrue. Many events are staged or fostered false flag productions. Many publicized concerns and oppositional issues are falsely promoted to achieve an agenda by hidden controllers.

If you assume that even what seems to be universal “common knowledge” is a correct description of reality, you are likely operating in falsehood and missing what is really happening, much of it to your detriment.

Although life may seem normal because routines are operational, it is not really as we have been led to believe. Eventually, it may not seem so normal to you anymore, if you retain enough intelligence to recognize it. Meanwhile, the normalcy bias, ignorance and hypnosis pose a great danger to our thinking, our health, and our well-being.



Toxic fluoride is added to municipal water supplies, to dental care products, foods, beverages and medicines, and it is also in the geo-engineering aerosols sprayed in the sky. Fluoride is NOT good for your mental and physical health NOR your teeth.

Fluoride has NEVER been proven to be of any benefit, except temporarily hardening tooth enamel, but only with direct application, NOT by consumption!. In fact fluoride is a deadly poison that lowers intelligence, fosters apathy, reduces fertility, increases the prospect of cancer and gradually makes teeth brittle.


Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Aspartame

Refined carbohydrates disturb the body's blood sugar levels. Sugar jangles the nerves and feeds yeast overgrowth in the body. The most commonly used sugars are usually from genetically modified sources -- sugar beets or high fructose corn syrup.

Non-GMO cane sugar is actually a better choice in modest use, as the body can handle very small amounts. Even better is dehydrated organic whole cane juice crystals with the minerals still intact, or mineral-rich molasses from refining.

High fructose corn syrup is almost always from genetically modified corn. It is very destructive in the body, contributing to serious digestive disorders, diabetes, yeast overgrowth, brain fog, anxiety and more. It should be avoided completely.

The artificial sweetener aspartame is a neurotoxin that can interfere with good brain function, damage the pancreas and liver, ruin eyesight and contribute to diabetes and blindness. It turns to methanol (toxic wood alcohol) and highly toxic formaldehyde in the body. Why is it "approved" for use in many food products from baked goods to chewing gum to soda pop to flavored water?

Try carbonated fruit juice as a "soda pop" alternative. Better sweeteners include organic whole dehydrated cane juice crystals, honey, molasses, maple syrup, agave nectar, xylitol or the non-carbohydrate herb, stevia.


Agricultural Chemicals

Herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and drugs fed to livestock, including huge quantities of steroids and antibiotics, have been saturating the growing fields of America since World War II. The devastation to health has been at least as bad as caused by World War II itself.

Nicotine based pesticides have contributed to the serious problem of bees dying off. These pollinators are crucial to agriculture.

The billions of pounds of toxic chemicals used in agriculture will often not wash off of the food. Much of it is inside the food, and may interfere with its formation of nutrient compounds. These poisons contribute to the epidemics of infertility, cancer and diabetes.

Glyphosate, a popular herbicide for certain genetically modified (GMO) crops, is a major carcinogen and slow killer. It destroys friendly intestinal bacteria, the second brain, and undermines nutritional processes, such as production of the essential protein tryptophan and brain neurotransmitter, serotonin. Almost everyone has an unhealthy level of glyphosate in their system.


Vaccinations and Medicines

Vaccinations and flu shots do not really protect people from infections and they are harmful rather than helpful. There is growing realization that vaccinations diminish intelligence and fertility, while setting victims up for ongoing health problems and early death.

The incredible crisis of autism has been clearly tied to the ridiculously increased amount of vaccines now mandated in most states. These toxic cocktails are injected into even newborn infants, with additional rounds of vaccines as the child grows.

Vaccination is one of the greatest medical frauds, with most people accepting the myth unsuspectingly. It is amazing how ignorant medical professionals are about this. Check the details in your state regarding exemptions for religious or other reasons.

Vaccinations are not effective at immunizing. Furthermore, most formulations contain a mercury based preservative, often fluoride, aluminum and other toxic ingredients, as well as extraneous harmful germs and viruses. The vast array of virus strains now included in the broad spectrum vaccines are overwhelming to the immune system, especially in infants.

Just because pharmaceutical medicines are "approved" by FDA does not mean they are safe to use. Most of them have not been proven safe to take by any valid testing.

Pharmaceutical medicines interfere in some way in the biological system, fostering long term illness. For example, statins are ruinous of health and unnecessary, yet 25% of the population over 40 is taking them because of the false cholesterol scare. Cholesterol is needed for brain and nerve function.

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SRIs) and other psychotropic drugs are involved in many of the murders and mass shootings, perhaps in conjunction with hypnotic psychological manipulation methods. There are millions of people, including way too many children, taking psychotropic drugs, most of them unnecessarily.

Not taking any medication intentionally? What about the drugs being recycled through the public water supplies from the urination of all the drug takers. (A home water purifier is an essential home appliance.)

"Amalgam" dental fillings are half highly toxic mercury and contribute to many health problems. On the other hand, the chemicals in "composite" and other artificial dental compounds and structures are also of concern, but less problematic than the mercury.

(Much more about vaccines plus abundant resources in Report 7.) 


Geo-engineering Aerosols

The bizarre chemical clouds sprayed frequently in streaks across the sky, mostly by aircraft on planned aerosol spraying routes, are NOT normal jet contrails.

The haze left behind by this atmospheric "geo-engineering" is more than just stripes in the sky and wispy odd clouds. It is a fog of harmful chemicals that fall to the ground, including aluminum, fluoride compounds, the radioactive metals barium, thorium and much more. Beyond breathing these poisons in, they are on us, on our shoes, in and on our crops, including "organic" foods, and in our water.

This is very important to learn about and share the growing knowledge about geo-engineering with others. It will take a mass movement to get this situation resolved. Meanwhile, we need to protect ourselves.

One of the agents in these "chemtrails" is mycoplasma, a crystalline derivative of the brucella bacteria that can lay dormant in the blood then be activated to foster illness, including chronic fatigue, neurological and brain disorders, autism, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn's, colitis, diabetes, rheumatism, AIDS, cancer, Morgellon's and more.

(Much more about geo-engineering plus abundant resources in Report 3.) 



Radiation is still being generated from the Fukushima disaster. It has been spreading for years through much of the Pacific Ocean, destroying life. It is contaminating air, water and soil in the U.S.A., especially on the west coast and including much of our food supply. We have been misled about the level of harm from Fukushima, especially the people of Japan.

Leakage from numerous aging nuclear power plants is effecting much of the U.S.A. population as well. Tritium, radioactive hydrogen, is in our water. Some radioactivity persists for thousands of years. It is corrupting DNA and causing mutations and illness in many species, including humans.


ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF)

Electromagnetic fields from transmission wires and towers, satellites, cell phones, wifi, computers, televisions, "smart meters", etc., are harmful, effecting the brain and contributing to cancers.

Cell phones and cordless phones are constantly harmful to users. The frequencies and heat generated are a great stress on tissues, especially the brain.


5G Wi-Fi

The "5G" next generation of wi-fi now being installed is being touted to enhance reception. 5G is a far more powerful and harmful technology than 4G and earlier wi-fi systems, which are already harming us. 5G will be severely debilitating to all living things and contribute to the lessening fertility of younger generations..

Further, "smart" devices, smart meters, LED lights and 5G, can be used for locating individuals and targeting people with frequencies carrying hypnotic programming, mind control, disturbing health issues and even death.

(Much more about EMF, Wi-Fi & 5G, plus abundant resources in Report 5.) 



Many chemical ingredients in our foods and in common household products for decor, personal care, automotive needs, cleaning and other tasks are toxic poisons. Have you ever researched the ingredients of these items, such as emulisifers, conditioners, artificial scents and flavors, coloring agents, preservatives and so on.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (or sodium laureth sulfate) is a toxic industrial grade degreaser that is in many shampoos and other soaps. Proylene glycol is a cancer enhancer lubricant and antifreeze used in automobiles and in many home products used on the skin. Watch for these and many of the other common ingredients below.

Aluminum is a toxic metal often used in cooking and food service material. It should not be used routinely with heated items.

BPA, BPS and other estrogen mimicker chemicals permitted to be in many food service plastics are not safe. They may cause sexual imbalances and alterations, infertility and cancers of the breast and sex organs.

The "energy saving" compact fluorescent light bulbs introduced to the market to replace incandescent bulbs contain toxic mercury, which is more active from the heat when the bulb is on. The LED light bulb alternatives give off harmful light and have the electronics in them to spy on and manipulate us.

The employment of the method of horizontal hydraulic fracturing or "fracking ' to extract natural gas from shale rock results in waste fluids containing brine and chemicals being left underground. Even more of the wastes from the process are stored in injection wells. These toxins as well as methane released from the fractured rock can contaminate underground water sources that people draw on for use, as well as dangerous pollutants in the air.



Why are we being massively exposed to a range of serious poisons while being falsely told that these are safe and not harmful, with some even said to be good for us?

Reduced intelligence, lowered fertility and extensive depopulation of the masses, are of great interest to the elitist few with great wealth and power. These are the top dogs in the cabal behind the global technocracy control system.

With the advances in artificial intelligence and robotics, humans are being replaced in the work force. Further, the extremely wealthy elitists are expecting to be able to transfer individual consciousness to a permanently living self-conscious cyborg, a robotic body with super intelligence.

The rest of us people, no longer needed for work, are considered expendable by the elitists, who would rather not have us using up the resources they want to keep for themselves, except for those few they keep on as servant slaves.

These megalomaniac psychopaths want to control everything -- all knowledge, all technology, all nations, all people, the planet, the solar system and everything in it. They have been colluding for centuries. Now technological developments have and facilitated their fashioning of "secret weapons for quiet wars" against the population.

We need to raise awareness about all of this enough to get it STOPPED.


In fact, the increasing poisons of the last 20 years added to the generational effects of the previous 80 years of chemical abuse, have produced a terrible array of nerve, mental health and autistic disorders.

This elaborate public poisoning process earns BIG BUCK$ for Big Med/ Big Pharma, while "dumbing down", harming and eliminating people, especially as they grow older and more toxic. As we get older we eventually are no longer needed for service to the military/ financial/ industrial/ chemical money machine. Those behind it prefer that we get phased out in a medically process that is more profitable to them than our remaining alive longer.

You and I and our families and friends have been systematically poisoned our whole lives in multiple small doses with many of the following toxic agents:

chlorine, fluoride, vaccines, pharma medicines, msg, aspartame, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, nicotine, BPA (bisphenol-A), phosphoric acid, trans-fat, bovine growth hormone, antibiotics, DDT, dioxin, glyphosate, PCB's (poly-chlorinated biphenols), formaldehyde, styrene, sodium laurel (or laureth) sulfate, propylene glycol, mineral oil, calcium carbonate, di-calcium phosphate, mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, aluminum, barium, strontium, plutonium, radiation, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), GMO's (genetically modified organisms) and thousands more chemicals from industry, agriculture, petroleum, plastics, pharmaceuticals and so on.

Toxic chemicals and/or frequencies are widely laced into our food, water, air, beverages, household cleaning supplies, personal care items, clothing, medicines, dental repairs, furniture, furnishings, appliances, automobiles, computers, light bulbs, etc. Nearly everything we come in contact with has a toxic quality.

We are walking test tubes in a giant unannounced experiment conducted without our conscious consent.

In an analysis I made of the ages revealed in the obituaries of recently deceased people, about half of them were less than 80 years old, and around 20% were under 70, many much younger! Some of them were children, and there are likely many more that do not have obituaries published because of their short lives.

On the other hand, a really healthy person should live past 100 years, but that is extremely rare these days. It is not eugenically correct to keep "useless eaters" around. With ever more computerized and robotic technologies, fewer and fewer human workers are needed for industrial operations, so they would like to greatly reduce the world's human population.

Programmed infertility and sterilization through GMO's, vaccinations, estrogen mimickers and other poisons in food, water, air, medicines, plastics, and household products, as well as birth control and abortion, are also used as population reduction measures.

The spraying of chemical aerosols by jets flying back and forth filling part or all of the sky is not from simple contrails. Contrails are ice crystals that form from moisture in jet exhaust, which occur only in rare conditions, and they usually dissipate rapidly.

The much longer and lasting chemical trails that stretch across the sky several days a week creating fake clouds and a sinister haze, are made up of multiple toxic metals, biological materials and other bizarre components, mostly sprayed by unidentified jets working the skies.

For the last eighteen plus years, highly toxic chemicals have been widely sprayed in the skies. These gradually fall to ground level where we breathe, touch and consume them, as do animals and plants. Learn about chemtrails, then watch for them in the sky.

Why are there so many people now with MS, ALS, and Parkinson's, in addition to the vastly more people with heart disease and cancer?

Think also about all the autism cases, the early onset Alzheimer's victims, and the strange new Morgellon's syndrome, which have developed during the eighteen or more years the aerosols have been sprayed.

Analysis has found unusually high levels of molds and fungi as well as other microbes, and even human red blood cells in the chemtrail aerosols. The fiber material may serve in part as a delivery mechanism for the biologicals.

The addition of fluoride to the public water in the early 1950's has done more to foster apathy, reduce IQ, and increase cancer in the population, than to provide any benefit for teeth. The push for immunizations and the authoritative "prescription" of chemical medicines by the medical establishment has also harmed vast numbers of people. Many of these meds have fluoride and/or mercury in them.

You are urged to learn more about public poisons in Report #6. There is much about how to counter these abuses to stay as healthy as possible in the Natural Health Wellness Learning Module.



(For researching details on an item, use http://DuckDuckGo.com, a search engine that does not keep track of you.)

How to minimize exposure


In Foods

(Note: may not be shown on the label.)

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

Aspartame (Formaldehyde)

High Fructose Corn Syrup



Sugar, sucrose, dextrose

Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG)

Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)

Homogenized milk

Hydrogenated fats (eg., margarine)














Other radioactive particles

Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Peroxide

Ammonium Chloride

Choline Chloride

Calcium Chloride

Di-calcium Phosphate

Acetaldehyde & other aldehydes

Boric Acid, Borates

Formic Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Sulfuric Acid

Phosphoric Acid, Phosphates

Sulfites, sulfates, sulfones, other sulfur compounds

Nitrates, nitrites, etc.

Dioxane (solvent)

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)

Artificial colors (dyes)

Artificial flavors

Polysorbates (emulsifiers)

Other Emulsifiers

Trenbolone Acetate (steroid used in cattle)



Sodium Benzoate

Potassium Sorbate

Calcium Propionate


Parabens (Propyl, Methyl, Ethyl, Butyl)



Pesticides & Herbicides:



Dieldrin, Eldrin

Dioxin ("Agent Orange")

Glyphosate ("RoundUp")

Organochlorines, Lindane, Hexachlor


Neonicotinoids (harms bees)

Sulfoximines, Sulfoxaflor (harms bees)

Sulfuryl Fluoride

Other pesticides & herbicides


Plastic Chemicals:


Bisphenol Acetate (BPA)*

*(Bisphenols are estrogen mimickers in plastics, currency, can liners, paper, etc.)

Other bisphenols (Bisphenol Sulfone [BPS], BPAP, BPF, BPM, BPP)**

**(may be used in products labeled "BPA Free", but as bad or worse)

Other phenols and xenoestrogens




Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol

Isopropyl Alcohol (Isoproanol)

Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Butanediol


Butane, Methane, Propane

Petroleum distillates

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Other household & industrial chemicals


Bacteria & viruses

Fungi, molds, algae & pollen

Parasites, insects & their eggs


Engineered microscopic bio-tech devices (nanobots)



In Water Used For Drinking, Showering,

Bathing, Cooking & Food Products
















Other radioactive particles

Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Peroxide

Ammonium Chloride

Calcium Chloride

Di-calcium Phosphate

Choline Chloride

Acetaldehyde & other aldehydes

Boric Acid, Borates

Formic Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Sulfuric Acid

Phosphoric Acid, Phosphates

Sulfites, sulfates, sulfones, other sulfur compounds

Nitrates, nitrites, etc.

Dioxane (solvent)

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)

Artificial colors (dyes)

Artificial flavors



Trenbolone Acetate (steroid used in cattle)


Pesticides & Herbicides:



Dieldrin, Eldrin

Dioxin ("Agent Orange")

Glyphosate ("RoundUp")

Organochlorines, Lindane, Hexachlor


Neonicotinoids (harms bees)

Sulfoximines, Sulfoxaflor (harms bees)

Sulfuryl Fluoride

Other pesticides & herbicides


Plastic Chemicals:


Bisphenol Acetate (BPA)*

*(Bisphenols are estrogen mimickers in plastics, currency, can liners, paper, etc.)

Other bisphenols (Bisphenol Sulfone [BPS], BPAP, BPF, BPM, BPP)**

**(may be used in products labeled "BPA Free", but as bad or worse)

Other phenols and xenoestrogens



Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol

Isopropyl Alcohol (Isoproanol)

Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Butanediol


Butane, Methane, Propane

Petroleum distillates

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Other household & industrial chemicals


Bacteria & viruses

Fungi, molds, algae & pollen

Parasites, insects & their eggs


Engineered microscopic bio-tech devices (nanobots)


In Air

(Note: most are practically unavoidable.)




Other radioactive particles



Chlorine, Chloroform & Trihalomethanes




Acetaldehyde & other aldehydes

Boric Acid, Borates

Formic Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Sulfuric Acid

Phosphoric Acid, Phosphates

Sulfur dioxide & other sulfur compounds

Nitrates, nitrites, etc.

Dioxane (solvent)

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)


Pesticides & Herbicides:



Dieldrin, Eldrin

Dioxin ("Agent Orange")

Glyphosate ("RoundUp")

Organochlorines, Lindane, Hexachlor


Neonicotinoids (harms bees)

Sulfoximines, Sulfoxaflor (harms bees)

Sulfuryl Fluoride

Other pesticides & herbicides


Butane, Methane, Propane

Petroleum distillates

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Other household & industrial chemicals

Bacteria & viruses


Fungi, molds, algae & pollen

Parasites, insects & their eggs


Engineered microscopic bio-tech devices (nanobots)

Asbestos, fiber glass, dust & other particulates



In Household & Personal Care Items












(vaccines, dental amalgam, fluorescent light bulbs)





Other radioactive particles

Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Peroxide

Ammonium Chloride

Calcium Chloride

Di-calcium Phosphate

Choline Chloride

Acetaldehyde & other aldehydes

Boric Acid, Borates

Formic Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Sulfuric Acid

Phosphoric Acid, Phosphates

Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Sulfites, sulfates, sulfones, other sulfur compounds

Nitrates, nitrites, etc.


Dioxane (solvent)

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)

Polybrominated Diphenyl Esters (PBDE)

(fire retardant in compact fluorescent bulbs, computers,

cell phones, children's pajamas & bedding)


Artificial colors (dyes)

Artificial flavors

Polysorbates (emulsifiers)

Other Emulsifiers



Sodium Benzoate

Potassium Sorbate

Calcium Propionate


Parabens (Propyl, Methyl, Ethyl, Butyl) (preservatives)


Pesticides & Herbicides

Deet (insect repellant)


Plastic Chemicals:


Bisphenol Acetate (BPA)*

*(Bisphenols are estrogen mimickers in plastics, currency, can liners, paper, etc.)

Other bisphenols (Bisphenol Sulfone [BPS], BPAP, BPF, BPM, BPP)**

**(may be used in products labeled "BPA Free", but as bad or worse)

Other phenols and xenoestrogens




Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol

Isopropyl Alcohol (Isoproanol)

Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Butanediol


Butane, Methane, Propane

Petroleum distillates

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Other household & industrial chemicals


Bacteria & viruses

Fungi, molds, algae & pollen

Parasites, insects & their eggs

Engineered microscopic bio-tech devices (nanobots)



By Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Mobile cell phones

Cell phone towers

Cordless phones





Internet devices

Electronic book readers

Digital game devices

Microwave ovens

"Smart meters" (remotely readable electric, water and gas meters)

HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)


In Medicines

Pharma medicines and vaccines contain toxic chemicals, including preservatives, often mercury, aluminum and fluoride, and they are often contaminated with bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, parasites, animal cells, etc. Amalgam dental fillings are about 50% mercury causing many problems.

Vaccines, including "flu shots", contain foreign DNA, RNA and other proteins from bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, fetal cells and other tissues from insects, cattle, pigs or monkeys, perhaps even human fetuses, that may trigger allergies beyond the initial autoimmune response diseases.

Vaccine ingredients often include: aluminum, barium, fluoride, (all toxic metals), E. coli, formaldehyde, formalin, glutaraldehyde, Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 80, EDTA, Beta-propiolactone (carcinogen), neomycin sulfate (immunotoxin), polymyxin B (neurotoxin), potassium chloride (neurotoxin), sodium taurodeoxycholate (carcinogenic immunotoxin), Thimerosol (mercury based neurotoxin), spermicide, sorbitol, GMO soy, GMO yeast, latex rubber, detergent and MSG.


Other Chemicals In The Environment From Industry, Mining,

Hydraulic Fracturing ("Fracking"), Agriculture, etc.


Earth's environment is in grave danger from the poisons of stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection for Solar Radiation Management), aka "chemtrails". The ozone layer depletion it is causing and the methane release it is generating are involved in thousands of species going extinct. Trees are dying in great numbers, people and animals are getting ill, going haywire and dying early.

Meanwhile vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, hundreds of other public poisons and a sea of frequencies are reducing our health, fertility, intelligence and ability to respond to this tyrannical attack upon us.

Much more about geo-engineering plus abundant resources in Report 4.

Much more about EMF, Wi-Fi & 5G, plus abundant resources in Report 6.

Much more about vaccines plus abundant resources in Report 8.


Rest Stop

Take A Relaxing Breath

A corporation is a secretive fictional entity by contract,

and not usually a group of caring people doing all good.

Caring For One Another



Minimize Exposure To Poisons

~ Detoxify and boost your health.

~ Sweat in a Far Infrared Ray sauna.

~ Pharma medicines and vaccines do not support good health.

~ Thoroughly purify water for drinking, cooking, showering & bathing.

~ Avoid fluoridated water and beverages containing fluoride.

~ Eat only organically grown foods.

~ Consume protective nutrients, especially antioxidants.

eg. vitamin E, selenium & progesterone cream to counter xenoestrogens

~ Avoid genetically modified foods (GMOs).

~ Avoid "junk" processed foods.

~ Avoid nearly all seafood, especially from the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico.

~ Avoid plastics and polymers in and around your body, food, water and clothing.

~ Wear an effective respiratory mask and cover all skin when outdoors on chemtrail days.

~ Designate footwear for indoor only & outdoor only use.

~ Remove outdoor footwear at the door.

~ Designate outer layer garments for indoor or outdoor only wear.

~ Remove garments exposed to outdoor air at the door.

~ Avoid cell phones, especially in a car.

~ Keep a cell phone away from your body, especially the head.

~ Minimize exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), such as:

television, computer fields, cell phones, cordless phones, smart meters, etc.

~ Keep volatile household chemicals (eg. cleaners & paints) away from living areas and avoid breathing fumes.

~ Move away from highly toxic areas, such as:

the Gulf of Mexico; the west coast of North America, petroleum, chemical and nuclear plants; agribusiness farms.


Go to Report 8: Viruses


Back to Report 6: Frequencies



Protection from EMF and RF


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Information on food & other items for storage & preparedness


KELP ~ Source of Natural Iodine & Helps Counter Radiation


Effective & Affordable Water Purification -- Avoid Fluoride


Natural Health Wellness Learning Module

by Jon David Miller, M.A., M. Div.

holistic wellness educator, natural health pioneer

human nature social scientist, philosopher, author

crucial information you need to know


For a deeper understanding of the deceptive control system, the cabal behind it, the developing economic and social challenges,, and what to do about them, please consider Jon's important learning module:

Liberation from the Control System

NOTE: Jon has been investigating this for over 50 years.


Jon's text and talk blog:


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