Food Availability ~

YESwise Holistic Learning


Survive the Changes Learning Module

Life Circle Media & Natural Health Enterprises

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Food  Availability

Stock up now before food is too expensive or unavailable.

by Jon David Miller, holistic educator and author


Storing Food For Emergency Is Crucial

Do you know how unprepared most of the population is for a real emergency? Storing food, water and health care supplies for such an emergency is crucial. How well do you know your neighbors?

Major disruption of everyday life is highly likely.

You are undoubtedly aware of serious natural disasters caused by storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, extreme temperatures, wildfires, volcanoes, earthquakes and tidal waves (tsunamis), in locations around the world. You have probably heard of the corona-virus in China, and the SARS and Ebola outbreaks of the last few years. These events have disrupted the lives of millions of people around the world.

Within just the last two years a huge number of homes and businesses in the U.S.A. have been damaged and/or without power for an extended time and crops damaged from high winds, tornadoes, massive floods, snow, freezing, ice storms, wildfires, drought, etc., ravaging many areas. Millions have found themselves suddenly without power and and many without food, some for weeks.

In Russia, drought and fires ruined the 2010 season's crops forcing them to curtail wheat exports. In the winter of 2011, millions of dollars worth of vegetable and citrus crops in Florida were ruined by record freezing temperatures. In the last few years, flooding of Mississippi and Missouri rivers has wiped out many acres of crops in the central U.S.A.

A volcanic event anywhere in the world could generate a cloud of ash in the atmosphere that blocks the sun. As a result, we could have year round winter and no crops for more than one season.

A volcanic eruption in Iceland interrupted European air travel for more than a week a few years ago. The ongoing rash of earthquakes and volcanic activities around the world suggests more are coming.

There is a great likelihood of a major new earthquake or a volcanic eruption at anytime at any of a number of locations. Much of the population of California are very used to minor earthquakes that rumble in the depths frequently along the San Andreas Fault.

The Cascadia zone farther north along the west coast off of Oregon and Washington is expected to have a much more devastating event anytime.

One or more major disturbances of nature could cause serious food shortages. Food stocks are drastically low in most areas of the world. Even in the U.S.A., grocery stores and the average household have only enough food on hand to last a few days if the supply chain were interrupted.

Meanwhile, the major disruption in the economy in 2008-9, was a forewarning of a worse economic collapse to come, and perhaps a deeper depression of unknown length.

Some experts expect a financial collapse or reset internationally soon, possibly sparking economic and social chaos.

Further, despite the previous fizzle of super flu viruses that authorities have warned about over the years, a real global pandemic emergency may be unfolding now with the Chinese corona virus that has spread around the world. Quarantines of residents in highly populated areas may be instituted in other nations if the virus spreads as it has in China.


Preparing To Face Challenges

It is crucial for people to understand that no matter how our lifestyle has been for many years, major changes can occur rapidly, even suddenly. Every household needs to be prepared for disturbances in the normal avenues of distribution of food, water, electricity and other necessities.

The amount of food stocked in local grocery stores could be gone in a day or two as people realize that supplies may not be replenished.

What if natural or unnatural disasters caused roads to be blocked or destroyed so delivery trucks could not get through? What if there was little or no access to fuel? Transportation systems would be disrupted, and deliveries of food, water and other supplies would be curtailed or very limited.

What if all communications and power were knocked out for days, weeks or months by a storm, a large solar ejection or an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) generated by an enemy?

It is possible for the power grid as well as batteries of most types to be knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). It could take years to restore the grid to normal functioning after massive damage. It may take even longer to replace vehicles and appliances damaged by an electro-magnetic zap.

If the power were out, if your refrigerator, water, lights and heating system were not working; and you could not get cash from a bank branch or an ATM; and no stores or restaurants were open; what would you do for food, water and fuel after a few days? How far could you go on just the fuel in your tank if none were available to buy or trade? What would others in your community do?
The amount of food stocked in local grocery stores would be gone in one day or less as people realize that supplies may not be replenished. With modern "just-in-time" delivery systems, stores currently only stock enough of most items for about three days of routine sales.

Disaster scenarios such as massive hurricanes, floods or fires have already happened on a large scale in Louisiana, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, Alabama, Missouri, California, Hawaii, Wyoming and to a lesser degree in many other areas.

What if temperature extremes greatly reduce the areas that crops can grow to maturity? What if there were a mid summer freeze, or other extremes of burning heat and drought or flooding, that kills plants in the fields? What if a major volcanic eruption blanketed the world in an ash cloud that ruins production of crops? What if a pandemic prompts the authorities to lock down people in their residences under quarantine?

In recent years, FEMA has conducted several of the largest disaster drills ever organized, mostly in the New Madrid Fault zone around the Mississippi River. Earthquake experts think a major one there is likely soon.

Federal and state emergency services are woefully inadequate, and may barely function in a situation such as loss of all electrical power. such as a hurricane, a major earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic blast, a poisonous gas cloud, or loss of all electrical power. Think of New Orleans after the Katrina hurricane, the tsunami and ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan and Hurricane Sandy's effect on New York and New Jersey. 

Food storage and stored water are at the top of the list of preparedness. It is wise to keep enough of these on hand for at least several weeks for everyone in your household. Some of those who have already prepared for such emergencies have enough survival supplies for six months, a year or more.


Storage of food, water and health care items are at the top of the list of preparedness. It is crucial to keep enough of these on hand for at least several weeks for everyone in your household. Some of those who have already prepared for such emergencies have enough survival supplies for six months, a year or more, which is wise.
It is also wise to have viable vegetable seeds, tools, soil building aids and other materials on hand for subsistence gardening, even indoors if necessary.

This is not presented to generate fear. It is about the importance of being prepared. It is important to make plans to have necessities on hand for an emergency.

Here is a partial list:

~ nourishing, ready to eat foods       ~ pure water

~ matches & candles                        ~ flashlights

~ batteries                                         ~ blankets, coats & clothing

~ tools                                               ~ fuel in your vehicle

~ alternative heating (eg., wood stove, kerosene, etc.)

~ alternative transportation (eg., bicycle, scooter)

~ alternative power (eg., generator, wind, solar, etc.)

~ emergency radio (battery operated or hand cranked)

The best choices for stored foods are nutritious, ready to eat items, that are protected from oxidation, and which do not readily spoil without refrigeration. We suggest ordering a supply of prepared dehydrated meals, with our Northern Edge Organic Flaxseed and other super foods as high nutrition supplemental foods.

More food and preparedness suggestions in the "Preparedness and Protection" article.


High Quality Foods To Store

For Emergency Needs

Disruption Can Happen - Storage of Food Is Crucial

Highest Quality Foods To Store For Emergency Needs


Prepare for disruptions with a substantial supply of highest quality stored foods on hand.

~ lock-in current food prices

~ have food during power outage or other disruption

~ have items of value to trade in a time of shortage


The more of us that have stored food, the better off we will be.


Excellent Super Foods for Storing

Supplement your meals with with ready to eat super foods.

Organic flax seed is one of the most nutritionally dense and beneficial foods on the planet. It is rich in complete protein, rare Omega 3 source essential oil, crucial antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and superior fiber. And it is very affordable, an excellent value for the powerful benefits it provides.

Northern Edge organic flax seed is grown in Saskatchewan, where there are no toxic metals in the soil. The cold climate causes a far superior oil content.

The milled option is specially produced on proprietary milling equipment designed for preservation of its oils and other nutrients; and it is vacuum-packed for extra protection.

Northern Edge organic milled flax has been tested and found to have no detectable deterioration after more than two years of storage at room temperature.

This is the highest quality flaxseed available. It is is ready to eat, outstandingly nutritious and life-supporting; and there is no need for refrigeration or cooking.

We also have whole flax seeds available for those who prefer to grind it at time of use. (NOTE: an electric grinder would not function in a power outage.)

With this and most storable foods, a good strategy is to rotate your stock -- consume older supplies first, replacing them with fresh stock as the inventory reaches your set minimum.

I also recommend Delicious Greens 8000 for food storage purposes. This super food mix complements the flaxseed. Combined, these items contain almost all needed nutrients.

Together these super foods provide: complete protein, essential oils, including Omega 3, many antioxidants, nearly all known vitamins, abundant minerals, raw food enzymes, pigments such as chlorophyll and beta carotene, and ideal fiber for the digestive tract.

These super foods are an excellent value for the powerful benefits they provide. They are very important items to keep as stored food supplies in case of natural disturbances, economic chaos, quarantine, or other reasons that normal food distribution might be disrupted.

NOTE: Avoid wheat, which is not a favorable food for humans.

Be prepared to sustain yourselves and your health in changed circumstances.


Ordering Northern Edge Flax

As part of your food storage please consider ordering the best super foods -- organically-grown flaxseed and Delicious Greens 8000TM at a great savings.

It is quite economical to order Northern Edge flaxseed by the 12 or 16 bags on our regular order pages.

You can get the flax at an even lower cost by ordering multiple cases.

Even better, there are bulk specials for both the flax and the greens mix described below for greater savings.

NOTE: You can get the flax at at the lowest cost by ordering in lots of 48 or more cases (16 bags to the case) shipped via freight carrier directly from the mill in Canada. For example, you could combine orders in a food co-op with friends and neighbors and order at a substantial savings. Or you may have a store or a nutritional business. (Contact us to discuss this option.)

NOTE: It is recommended that these items be consumed and replaced over the course of 2 to 3 years.


 Usage of N Edge Flax & Delicious Greens

Here is the math regarding normal usage of the flax & greens:

1 box of 10 bags of N Edge flax is approximately a:

  • 10 month supply for 1 adult

  • 5 month supply for 2 adults

  • 3 month supply for 3 adults

  • 2 month supply for 4 adults

1 case of Delicious Greens 8000 super food mix is approximately a:

  • 12 month supply for 1 adult

  • 6 month supply for 2 adults

  • 4 month supply for 3 adults

  • 3 month supply for 4 adults

NOTE: In a crisis, more than the normal amount of each of these items may be consumed for nutritional sustenance.

Click Here for the Order Page


6 Cases of Northern Edge

Bulk Special

Organic Milled Flaxseed


Organic Whole Flax Seeds


Please contact us by email

or call 330-920-9820 or 800-542-1923 for special pricing.


Click here for payment options.


Delicious Greens 8000TM

1 Case (12 jars) (127.2 oz) Delicious Greens 8000TM

Read about this product

Normal price: $300 + $15 shipping

SPECIAL: $278 + $15 shipping


Please contact us by email

or call 330-920-9820 or 800-542-1923 to Order.


Click here for payment options.


Flower Pollen Extract

12 bottles

200 tablets per bottle

Read about this product

Normal price: $359.52 + shipping


$332 with FREE shipping

(in the 48 contiguous United States)


Please contact us by email

or call 330-920-9820 or 800-542-1923 to Order.


Click here for payment options.


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You do not have to have an account with PayPal. Whether or not you have an account, you can use any major card to pay.

(PayPal, which is owned by eBay, is the most used online payment processor.  It is used confidently and respected all over the world.)

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We also send a confirmation email within a day or so when the order is ready or has been sent.  (It is possible that one or both of these emails could be blocked by a SPAM filter at your internet service provider.)

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IF YOU WANT TO PAY BY PHONE using either your checking account or a credit card or debit card, call us toll-free at 1- 800-542-1923, 10 am to 5 pm, Eastern Time, Monday-Friday.

(If we are unavailable when you call, leave your phone number and good times to reach you.)



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NOTE: There will be a surcharge imposed for a check returned for insufficient funds.

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